
5:15am 01-05-2024
your projects are beautiful! the feeling of charged familarity in them is so cool
12:45pm 09-20-2023
super cool site! i relate to a lot of your hellenic content and im glad to see it :) i have an online shrine to aphrodite over at my website too! nice seeing yours and all the things you have on here
9:05am 09-15-2023
Manatee says hello! (:3) Your website is nice and green.
3:14pm 07-31-2023
cool site; i like the little marquee faces up in the header bar
6:02am 07-26-2023
Kale (chips)
Cute website! I'll admit I totally just thought your website name was supposed to read as cabbage frog lol but the actual origin of it is really fun. Appreciated your post about mobile friendliness as it's something I've also been unsuccessfully yelling into the void about.
8:11am 07-25-2023
heyyyy love ur website!!!
10:40pm 03-09-2023
hiiiiiii babe i cannot believe i havent signed your guestbook until now actually
11:35am 03-09-2023
i love your site! it's so cozy and cute. i loved reading your essays and writings! :)
7:38pm 12-20-2022
such a cute little corner of the net ^^ Your projects are really nice <3
11:28am 12-07-2022
club jessica
what a cute site! love your Home Work installation, and I'm excited to read some of your stuff later!